Results of the March 19, 2025 Annual General Meeting Election
Results of 2025 AGM Election
- President: Hunter Johnson
- Vice President: Yolanda Martinez
- Treasurer: Yuray Rivero
Directors at Large Term 2025-2027
• Mike Platt
• John Henry
• Greg Custer
• Phil Rylett
• Karla Boentgen
Tally of the Results of 2025 AGM Election
Name ## (in person)/##(Zoom) Total
John Henry 97/23 120
Mike Platt 97/19 116
Greg Custer 91/16 107
Phil Rylett 104/26 130
Karla Boentgen 93/22 115
Jack Knudson 86/18 104
Shelley Edson 36/18 49
Wed. March 26, 5:00
All sass, class, and brassy laughs! Christine Deaver is here to dazzle you with her powerhouse vocals and unstoppable humor…
Friday, March 28
Come see our new collection, beautiful, tropical, printed, rayons, beautiful Mexican cotton, and our new fabric linen linen imported from…
Friday April 4, 2:30 to 5:30
Come join us in the lush garden of the Lake Chapala SocietyOur great friends at la PAZ Liquor have lined…
Saturday, April 5
A night filled with soulful music and good vibes. Get ready to be mesmerized by the talented Lauren Jade as…
Collection until 28 April
Join the Lake Chapala Society's TOY DRIVE and make a child’s day brighter! From February 15 to April 28, we're…
April 2
This is a one session class.Cultural shock is a normal part of life when we move to another country whose habits…
April 3, 10, & 24
This three-session class is designed for people without any Spanish language background. Your instructor will introduce you to Spanish pronunciation, basic…
Mon, 07 Apr
Improve your Spanish in just 10 weeks! LCS offers a dynamic course “Spanish in Action” with 20 engaging sessions, (twice…
Apr 9 & 16
This is a 2-session class. In the first session we have the class, where you will learn everything you need…
In this 3 week course, students will master the phonology (the sounds) of Spanish. Avoid potentially embarrassing or confusing situations!…
May 14 & 21
This is a 2-session class. In the first session we have the class, where you will learn everything you need…
May 16 and 23
This is a two-session class.In Session One you learn about the practical aspects of preparing for the end of your life.…
Jun 11 & 18
This is a 2-session class. In the first session we have the class, where you will learn everything you need…
Jul 9 & 16
This is a 2-session class. In the first session we have the class, where you will learn everything you need…
August 8 and 15
This is a two-session class.In Session One you learn about the practical aspects of preparing for the end of your life.…
Aug 13 & 20
This is a 2-session class. In the first session we have the class, where you will learn everything you need…
Sep 10 & 17
This is a 2-session class. In the first session we have the class, where you will learn everything you need…