ESL Classes

English as a Second Language (ESL) classes are taught at the Wilkes Education Center (WEC),  located two blocks from the main LCS campus. The WEC is also home to the Biblioteca de Ajijic, a Spanish language library with more than 4,000 books.

Benefits to Students

  • The program is free of charge; students are required to purchase class materials
  • An opportunity to learn English from native speakers
  • Speaking English has the potential to increase academic and career / job prospects

The Academic Year
Registration occurs in August, and typically attracts  over 300 students. The program is open to students between the ages of 15 and 85.

Classes begin in September

  • Classes are scheduled in the mornings, afternoons, early evenings and on Saturday mornings to accommodate students
  • The academic year ends in May with a recognition party for students and volunteer teachers


Monday to Saturday
Class times vary throughout the day and early evening
Contact Us
Phone: (376) 766-2940


Volunteer Teachers

  • A teaching background is not required
  • Plenty of enthusiasm is absolutely necessary! 
  • Ability to speak Spanish not essential
  • Teaching materials are provided

Want to Volunteer as an ESL Teacher?
Please complete the on-line application form
 or visit the LCS Service Office for an application form

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