LCS Board of Directors
Welcome Message
From the President of The Lake Chapala Society In this time of Covid, as an organization, we work towards a new normal way of life in our community and within our organization. Our Board of Directors, our small staff, our many volunteers and activity leads have risen to the needs of this period of time to focus on what we can do better. On how we can better serve the bigger community and how we can continue our role as leaders here at Lakeside. If you are new to Lakeside or have been here for years, we believe that the Lake Chapala Society can play a valuable role in your experience here. We work to get past the reputation of a newbie's organization. We have tremendous focus that is guided by our LCS 2.0 Long Range Plan for the Lake Chapala Society. A plan that was overwhelming approved by our membership at our 2020 Annual General Meeting. A key part of LCS 2.0 relates to our role in collaboration and integration of the many factors who make up the Lakeside community. These include, our members, the greater ExPat community, the local Mexican community, and our dedicated volunteers who play a key role in all of our services. LCS also plays a vital leadership role with the many governmental and political entities that have impact on the quality of life Lakeside. When our government leaders want dialogue with the ExPat community, they come to us. Likewise, when the Expats need a voice at the table, we are the ones that facilitate that dialogue. We have a close working relationship with the US Consulate, the Canadian Consulate, the offices of the municipality and relations with State of Jalisco officials as well. For those who are new to Lakeside or considering relocating here, we have decades of experience we can share with you to help your relocation and planning for your next chapter of life. If you have been here for a while, we invite you to make LCS part of your moving forward plan. We have introduced many online programs and will shortly be adding additional on campus programs that can enrich your life. Come and make a difference. The Lake Chapala Society has something for you. Steve Balfour |
Introducing Lake Chapala Society's 2024 Board of Directors
Click the photos below for each Director's biographical details
Stephen Balfour
President (to Aug 2024) |
Yolanda Martínez Llamas
Vice President (to Mar 2025) |
Timothy Boardman
Treasurer (to Mar 2025) |
Mike Abe Platt
Secretary (to Mar 2026) |
Christy Caldwell
Director at Large (to Mar 2025) |
Greg Custer
Director at Large (to Mar 2025) |
Greg Distefano
Director at Large (to Mar 2025) |
Madera Elizabeth Glenn
Director at Large (to Mar 2026) |
Linda Lou Goman
Director at Large (to Mar 2026) |
Stephen Dewitt Graham
Director at Large (to Mar 2026) |
Hunter Johnson
Director at Large (to Mar 2025) |
Leon Felipe Muñoz
Director at Large (to Mar 2025) |
George Radford
Director at Large (to Mar 2026) |
Carole Wolff
Immediate Past President |
Luis F Pacheco
Executive Director |